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The Plan - Our Clients To Be #1 On Google!

How Technology Influences Business

Business changes on a constant basis as technology that drives business changes. For example, lets take a look at something that happened not too long back. In 1888, Richard Sears of Sears, Roebuck and Company published their first locally delivered catalog to rural...

Likeable Social Media – A Quick Review

Recently, I picked up the book by the author Dave Kerpen called “likeable social media – How to delight your customers, create an irresistible brand, and be generally amazying on Facebook (and other social networks)” First off, this isn’t your standard social media...

Basic Components of a Google Search

I’m asked by my clients quite often what are the different parts of a simple Google search and how do they get there businesses to show up there. In today’s video I take just a few moments to explain what the different components of the Google search are and how do...

A Word About SEO Email Spam

Just about every time I meet with a prospective client, the question comes up about what make The ProSEO group any different from the dozens of unsolicited emails they receive from other search engine optimization companies? It is unfortunate, but spammers or in the...