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The Plan - Our Clients To Be #1 On Google!

The LevelupSEO Comprehensive Keyword Report

The Comprehensive Keyword Report is the heart of the ProSEO 3 Step System. In our opinion, all further efforts are wasted if this isn’t done 100% correctly.  And we pride ourselves in the fact that we have the industry leading experts from around the world as part of our group at ProSEO.

The whole idea is we need to understand how your customers are trying to find you. When you receive The ProSEO Comprehensive Keyword Report, you’ll be getting right into the minds of your potential customers.

Know Exactly What Your Customer is Looking For

You’ll know exactly what and how often they are looking for things about your business. This is critical. If you were selling widgets, for example and we found that the term ‘blue widgets’ was searched 1,000 times per month but ‘yellow widgets’ maybe 10 times per month. Without a shadow of doubt, you would know that we need to target the term ‘blue widgets’!

Know Your Competition

The second part of the ProSEO Comprehensive Keyword Report will show us what your competition is like for those keywords. We dig deep to see not only who your competition is for keyword terms, but how strong is their position? Plus we will analysis their sites to see if there are areas where we may need to dig deeper in as well.

When we create this report, we search for 10 to 20 keywords that we can target for your business. Then we select the cream of the crop and start to rank you for those keywords.

Once we start to see those keywords approach page one of Google and other search engines, we then start to optimize your rankings in the other keywords.

We’ve seen stellar performance with many of our clients in as little as three months when we’ve taken the time to create a battle plan before we start to aggressively try to get you ranked against your online competition.

Plus we find that you are much better informed on what your potential customer needs are! This allows you to be an even better provider of your products or services.