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The Plan - Our Clients To Be #1 On Google!

Search Engine Optimization

Once we determine the proper way to get you ranked, either national organic listings, Google local search listings or possibly both, we then start a comprehensive search engine optimization plan to get the job done.

For all clients we start out completely white hat SEO. We ALWAYS continue that practice as it pertains to the “Money Site”. The Money Site in this case is your company’s web site.

In the process of performing SEO we will build soldier sites around your site. If needed, we will push hard to those sites, but this usually does not need to occur.

If any site ever has an issue with Google it would be a soldier site NOT the Money Site. To date, we have not lost a soldier site and certainly we never seen a client’s money site get penalized.

Our basic function of back linking is writing articles and blog posts that contain your keywords. We then place these in different areas around the web as any one could do.

Much of this work is hand submitted which conforms to all terms of service. As we move further out from the money site to tier 1, 2 and 3 sites we use more automation. Even our automation if looked at as individual items conforms to most terms and conditions placed by sites.

Once we have worked out linking we add in the social aspect. We plug a way tweeting, posting and chatting about the links that we have placed. We use multiple common practice tools that conform to terms of services of all the social bookmarking sites. We just happen to have many accounts and have the ability to exercise them. Most all of the posts we push out are hand submitted so they make sense.

We will normally create between 20,000 to 60,000 links per month to your web site.

If we feel the use of grey methods is needed we always consult the client ahead of time. But because we have so many established link sites, and are making more places every day, this usually is not needed.

The protection of your site is the up most priority. We would rather be late on some ranking, and forgo payment to our company, than even come close to harming your site`s rankings.