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The Plan - Our Clients To Be #1 On Google!

LevelupSEO Search Engine Optimization Guarantee

We at LevelupSEO recognize that fact that there are a lot of fly by night search engine optimization companies that will make wild promises at high prices and don’t deliver. We want to be your SEO consulting expert for the long haul, so we have two guarantees.

SEO Guarantee

Spokane Pro SEO strives to be a pay for performance company when it comes to SEO.  To reach this goal we have two guarantee programs:

  1. Our Keyword Analysis Guarantee:
    LevelupSEO will perform a comprehensive keyword analysis for your sites keywords for a cost of $400.  BUT we do not want you to pay me for it until we can prove to you that we know what we are doing and that we can help you! Our Proof will be getting one of your keywords on page one Google where it was not before.We think that is Valid Proof, don’t you?
  2. Our Ranking Guarantee:
    LevelupSEO charges ½ up-front for all ranking tasks and campaigns. If you do not find that keyword phrases we are working on are not ranking in a positive direction, when it comes time to pay, then you don’t have to pay until you are doing so. LevelupSEO sends out weekly SERP ( Search Engine Rank Position) reports starting with an initial baseline.   We will use these reports to determine if you are ranking. Once a keyword has obtained page one ranking, it is no longer covered by the ranking guarantee. Page one rankings could shuffle positively or negatively quite often and does not necessarily indicate poor search engine optimization.The ranking guarantee is completed on a month to month basis, at the time of billing.

Note: Our guarantee do not apply to any ON-Page work or other consulting.